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Medicare Educational Seminars 

What is an Educational Seminar?
  • Our seminars are designed to help individuals, new to Medicare, understand the process, timing, and options, related to the benefits the Federal Government will be providing you.

  • There is no cost to host or attend these meetings.

  • These seminars are exactly as they are named-educational. 

  • There is no obligation for attendees to do anything. They may just sit back and listen or ask questions to learn more about Medicare.

  • Learn about Medicare health plans so you can make informed decisions about your benefit options.

  • Find out why Medicare health plans are rated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in the new year.

  • Ask questions of professionally licensed Agent advisors.


Schedule a seminar for your group, church, or organization!

If you are interested in hosting or attending an Educational Seminar, fill out this form and a representative will promptly follow up with you.

You may also contact us by phone at 717-580-3640 or email us at 

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Learning all you can about Medicare is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
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