What is an Educational Seminar?

Our seminars are designed to help individuals, new to Medicare, understand the process, timing, and options, related to the benefits the Federal Government will be providing you.
There is no cost to host or attend these meetings.
These seminars are exactly as they are named-educational.
There is no obligation for attendees to do anything. They may just sit back and listen or ask questions to learn more about Medicare.
Learn about Medicare health plans so you can make informed decisions about your benefit options.
Find out why Medicare health plans are rated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in the new year.
Ask questions of professionally licensed Agent advisors.
Schedule a seminar for your group, church, or organization!
If you are interested in hosting or attending an Educational Seminar, fill out this form and a representative will promptly follow up with you.
You may also contact us by phone at 717-580-3640 or email us at events@loyaltyinsured.com